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    Discover Luxury Living at La Valencia!
    La Valencia

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    Spacious Floor Plans

    1, 2 & 3 Bedrooms

    Choosing your home is important. At La Valencia, we listen to your needs and fit you to the perfect space. Check out our available floor plans to determine which is best for your lifestyle.

    Floor Plans
    La Valencia

    Unbeatable Location

    Dallas, TX

    See why Dallas is the place to be in North Texas when you move to La Valencia. Our prime location near two of the metroplex's major thoroughfares puts every shopping and dining opportunity within reach. If a short commute is important, you'll appreciate the wealth of employment opportunities in the nearby Las Colinas Central Business District - not to mention in downtown Dallas. Working professionals and leisure travelers alike will appreciate our proximity to Dallas Love Field Airport, a local hub for the low-cost regional carrier, Southwest Airlines. All departure gates are less than 15 minutes away.

    La Valencia
    La Valencia

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    La Valencia

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